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Numbers on Abductees
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  • Numbers on Abductees
  • During the war, North Korea is estimated to have abducted a considerable number of influential figures for political purposes and forcibly mobilized a vast number of residents as workers and supplementary "volunteer" soldiers of the People's Army. From the beginning of the war to 1963, lists of abductees were compiled on a number of occasions either by the government or by the families of abductees.
  • List of Important Korean War Abductees
Major list of Korean War abductees (number, name, author, timing, personnel, presence)
No List (volume) Date of issue Number of Persons Registered Items Surveyed
1 Persons Arrested in Seoul by the North Koreans - 696 Name (in English and Chinese),address, occupation, date of arrest
2 List of Seoul Area Victims (one volume) December 1, 1950 2,438 Name, gender, age, occupation, affiliation and position, date of injury, type of injury (abduction, murder, or disappearance), place of occurrence, brief profile, address
3 List of Persons Abducted during the Korean War(one volume) September 1, 1951 2,316 Name, workplace, age, address, date of injury
4 List of Persons Abducted during the Korean War(one volume) August 27, 1951 2,527 Name (in English and Chinese), age, workplace, address, date of abduction
5 List of Persons Abducted during the Korean War(one volume) 1952 82,959 Name, gender, age, occupation, affiliation and position, date of abduction, place of abduction, address
6 List of Persons Abducted during the Korean War(2 volumes) 1954 17,940 Name, gender, age, occupation, date of abduction, place of abduction, abduction circumstances, place of residence at the time of abduction
7 List of Displaced South Korean Civilians(one volume) 1954 17,900 Name (in English and Chinese),gender, age, address
8 List of Reported Displaced Civilians (27 volumes) 1956 7,034 Name, gender, date of birth, permanent domicile, last known address, final occupation, representative of the family, place of abduction and abduction circumstances, narrative description of an individual
9 egistry of Displaced Civilians 1956 7,034 Name, gender, age, domicile, place of abduction, occupation
10 Welfare And Whereabouts Inquiry Form 1956 7,034 Name, gender, date of birth, place of birth, domicile, last known address, final occupation, representative of the family, relationship with the displaced person, place where he/she was displaced, the situation of when he/she was displaced
11 Reply to Welfare And Whereabouts Inquiry(one volume) 1957 337 Name, date of birth, gender, final occupation, domicile, last known residence, name of the requestor, relationship with the displaced person, findings of the inquiry
12 List of Displaced Cilivians(one volume) 1963 11,700 Name, age, gender, address
    • Number of Abductees by Region
    Statistics of abductees by city and province (total, Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, Gangwon-do, Chungcheong-do, Gyeongsang-do, Jeolla-do)
    Region Number of Persons Registered on the Consolidated List Number of Persons not Registered on the Consolidated List Total Percentage(%)
    Seoul 23,386 404 23,790 24,9
    Gyeonggi 17,740 312 18,052 18.9
    Gangwon 10,790 298 11,088 11.6
    North Chungcheong 13,572 119 13,871 14.5
    South Chungcheong 9,196 136 9,332 9.8
    North Jeolla 5,928 69 5,997 6.3
    South Jeolla 3,731 94 3,825 4.0
    North Gyeongsang 7,676 200 7,876 8.3
    South Gyeongsang 1,209 66 1,275 1.3
    Other 11 - 11 0.0
    Unknown 339 - 339 0.4
    ToTal 93,758 1,698 95,456 100.00
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